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I'm crazy about gorillas for many years and visit them regularly in various zoos in The Netherlands and in Belgium. Some of them I go to regularly, others less regular. That also changes now and then. I started visiting Apenheul in 1992. Until 2011 I only visited Apenheul. Halfway 2011 I started visiting other zoos too on a regular base.

I made this website (beginning of 2016), because there's a lot of ignorance with people about these incredible beautiful animals. The reason: visitors compare them with humans too much and that's something they shouldn't do. Although we're both in the same order ('Primates) and same family ('Hominidae') we're not alike that much. Gorillas are completely different, although some things (on first sight) are alike. Another cause of the ignorance is that it seems to be difficult for most zoo visitors to read the signs with information about the animals in front of them. I don't know about zoos outside The Netherlands, but sometimes there aren't really good signs to start with.

If your reading this on your mobile right now, you'll notice that some pages open in a seperate screen. Maybe you already know it, if not: you can close such a second page with the back/previous button on your phone/tablet.

My main goal of this website is to inform Dutch people. I see many of them when I visit zoos and I tell them about my website often. That's why the Dutch version has more pages on it. One tip: don't use the translate option on my Dutch website, because it's not what it should be (I tried it myself). That is for Dutch to English. Of course I don't know for other languages.

Well, just take a look around on my website. Everything is in my own words. Remember: I'm Dutch by origin and all is translated by me, myself and I so I hope there are not too many mistakes. If you do see something strange or if you have questions and/or remarks, you can find my email address under 'contact'.

Have fun!

Last update:
9 February 2025, click here to see what's updated.


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